Employee Trends
The information displayed in this module displays trends in headcounts, race and ethnicity, sex, and generation for staff and faculty populations that meet the selected criteria. Staff and faculty data trends are displayed separately throughout this module. Yearly reports show data over a five-year period, and data is based on a 12/31 date for the year.
Provides headcount trends of regular 9-month and 12-month faculty and exempt and non-exempt staff for the selected month.
Provides a month-to-month headcount of regular 9-month and 12-month faculty and exempt and non-exempt staff for the selected year.
Staff Diversity
Provides insight into trends for race and ethnicity and sex of exempt and non-exempt staff.
Faculty Diversity
Provides insight into trends for race and ethnicity and sex of faculty.
Staff Generation
Provides a look at trends for exempt and non-exempt staff generational changes.
Faculty Generation
Provides a look at trends for faculty generational changes.
Provides a general overview of staff and faculty turnover by year.
By Faculty
Provides the annualized turnover of faculty by month for a selected fiscal year.
By Staff
Provides the annualized turnover of staff by month for a selected calendar year and exempt and non-exempt status.
By Staff Job Family
Provides the annualized turnover of staff within a selected job family by month for selected calendar year and exempt and non-exempt status.
By Race & Ethnicity
Provides turnover trends by race and ethnicity by year.
By Sex
Provides turnover trends by sex over a span of several years.
Provides a snapshot of the average number of leave hours taken by month.
Faculty 12-Month
Provides a snapshot of the average number of leave hours taken by month for 12-month faculty.
Exempt Staff
Provides a snapshot of the average number of leave hours taken by month for exempt staff.
Non-Exempt Staff
Provides a snapshot of the average number of leave hours taken by month for non-exempt staff.
Provides a trend view of the average leave balances in days by month.
Faculty 12-Month
Provides a trend of the average leave balances in days by month for 12-month faculty.
Exempt Staff
Provides a trend of the average leave balances in days by month for exempt staff.
Non-Exempt Staff
Provides a trend of the average leave balances in days by month for non-exempt staff.
Yearly Trend
Provides a count of total terminations by year for comparison.
Reasons Employees are Exiting
Provides a word cloud of the highest selected reasons that regular staff and faculty exit the university.
Terminations by Reason
Provides a detailed look at the reasons regular staff and faculty exit the university by year and reason.
Provides the number of regular staff and faculty exiting the university by race and ethnicity and sex.
Termination by Percentage of Population
Provides terminations by race and sex relative to their total/group population.
Provides the number of regular faculty exiting the university by academic rank.
Job Family
Provides the number of regular staff exiting the university by job family.
Provides the number of regular faculty and staff exiting the university by generation.
Years of Service
Provides the number of regular faculty and staff terminations per year by length of service prior to exiting the university.